S1.14 Adding input key for character movement
Lesson Summary
In this lesson, we covered:
- How to use the legacy input system of Unreal Engine. Plenty of samples are still using this input system, so it's a good idea to have a good understanding of it.
- Learn about Action Mappings and Axis Mappings.
- Create the Action Mapping to move the character with the Right Mouse click.
⚠️ From Unreal Engine 5.1 onwards, you will see a message that says "Axis and Action mappings are now deprecated, please use Enhanced Input Actions and Input Mapping Contexts instead.". This course covers this topic in section 11, and we will end up replacing the old way for the new Enhanced Input system and I will explain in detail how they work. However, it is recommended for you to learn how the old system works because it's more simple, straightforward, works similar to the new one, and there are a lot of sample projects that still use them and removes a barrier when learning Unreal Engine from scratch.
If you want to learn how to use the Enhanced Input System right now, we created a lecture that will give you all the tools you need to start using the system. Check it out here https://youtu.be/RBCLAWMWyDw?si=lv5aMZpLQGel9Bn_
What did we do?
✅ Updated for UE 5.4.1
Set up the Move Action input using Unreal's Legacy input system
- Open the Project settings, Edit → Project Settings...
- Go to the Engine, Input category.
- Click on the + button beside the text Action Mappings.
- Change the name NewActionMapping_0 to MoveAction.
- Change the input from None to Right Mouse Button.
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