S1.10 Importing the character assets from the marketplace

Lesson Summary

In this lesson, we covered:

  • How to add an asset from the Marketplace to our project.

What did we do?

✅ Updated for UE 5.4

Add the Paragon: Aurora character

  • Open the Unreal Engine launcher and go to the Marketplace tab (alternatively you can go to Window → Open Marketplace).
  • Search for Paragon: Aurora in the search box
  • If you haven't used the character before, click on the Free button
  • Click on Add To Project, and select the project where you need to add the character.
  • If your project is not showing up, click on the Show all projects checkmark, search for your project, and then select the latest version available of the asset.

  • If the launcher asks you to Overwrite Files, just click on Yes.

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