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Create an Action Game in Unreal Engine 5
Start here! Instructions
Welcome video - How to watch the course? (7:54)
Section 1: Project Creation
S1.00 Introduction (0:56)
S1.01 Create your first project (3:28)
S1.02 Unreal Project Structure (4:33)
S1.03 Getting comfortable with the editor (3:10)
S1.04 Creating our Level (2:48)
S1.05 Adding our lights and showing Editor windows (3:33)
S1.06 Basic Viewport Navigation (8:37)
S1.07 Viewport modes (3:27)
S1.08 Creating our first Level Layout (13:22)
S1.09 World Partition Mini Map Build (2:06)
S1.10 Importing the character assets from the marketplace (2:03)
S1.11 Character blueprint creation (7:05)
S1.12 Setup character properties (4:00)
S1.13 Possess the player and create a camera (4:28)
S1.14 Adding input key for character movement (3:13)
S1.15 Player controller creation (3:31)
S1.16 Adding our first variable (6:58)
S1.17 Simple movement setup (3:03)
S1.18 Setting the Game Mode to use our character (3:57)
S1.19 Moving to where the click happened (8:50)
S1.20 Positioning the Player Camera (4:32)
S1.21 Creating our Landscape (8:34)
S1.22 Starting The Level Design Of Our Level (16:27)
Section 1: Project Files and summary
Quick Check-In
Section 2: Creation of interactive components
S2.01 Orient character to its movement (2:10)
S2.02 Platform blueprint creation (9:27)
S2.03 Working with the platforms and the construction script (13:26)
S2.04 Platform temp mesh and location in the level (7:01)
S2.05 Make the character unable to fall from a ledge (1:44)
S2.06 Make the Platform wait at the start and end points (7:36)
S2.07 Creating the gate and component attachments (9:00)
S2.08 Open and close gate custom events (4:03)
S2.09 Trigger opens and close the gate (3:50)
S2.10 Using a Timeline to animate the gate (10:46)
S2.11 Gate Timeline play rate and custom curve values (5:44)
S2.12 Action Event Blueprint setup (6:13)
S2.13 Blueprint direct communication between character and action event (14:12)
S2.14 Action Event working through blueprint interfaces (13:08)
S2.15 Review of Blueprint Communication and interaction text (5:31)
S2.16 Action Event jumping animation (10:50)
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Section 3: Character locomotion, simple attack and destructible barrels
S3.01 Undertanding the animation assets (5:47)
S3.02 Creating the Main Character Animation Blueprint (8:00)
S3.03 Using state machines (7:34)
S3.04 Running state (4:28)
S3.05 Using the Event Graph to know if the character is moving (6:10)
S3.06 Running blendspace creation (7:21)
S3.07 Blendspace implementation and analysis tool (9:52)
S3.08 Improving the Blendspace (1:27)
S3.09 Setting up the Dash feature (3:14)
S3.10 Implementing the dash (8:10)
S3.11 Dash animation montage and validations (17:41)
S3.12 Dash Feature cleanup (3:13)
S3.13 Adding attack animation (8:54)
S3.14 Attack animation montage blend options (5:00)
S3.15 Playing an animation only in the upperbody by using animation slots (8:55)
S3.16 Montage sections for combo attack (7:52)
S3.17 Combo attacks implementacion (7:04)
S3.18 Validating combo attack behaviour (14:22)
S3.19 Rotating towards the cursor when attacking (3:32)
S3.20 Collisions fundamentals and Weapon channel (11:41)
S3.21 Getting to know traces (5:42)
S3.22 Sphere Trace for collisions during attacks (13:50)
S3.23 Using the output of the traces (6:48)
S3.24 Applying and receiving damage (8:42)
S3.25 Adding a breakable object (8:43)
S3.26 Importing Megascans asset and optimizing texture size (4:57)
S3.27 Creating a Geometry Collection (3:24)
S3.28 Breaking the Barrel using the character (5:44)
S3.29 Adding Camera Shake for attacks (7:22)
S3.30 Adding hit Feedback to the barrels (7:29)
S3.31 Assembling our first kit asset (11:14)
S3.32 Creating a new variation for Breakable Objects (4:37)
S3.33 Creating our Landscape Material (8:17)
S3.34 Creating Landscape Layers (8:38)
S3.35 Painting the Landscape with 4 layers (10:47)
S3.36 Creating Landscape Material Instance (14:04)
S3.Extra 01: Debugging the Destructible Barrel (18:00)
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Section 4: Add Enemies
S4.01 Bug Fix: Dashing while attacking (3:18)
S4.02 Adding the Minion assets (1:52)
S4.03 Choosing the minion and understanding the assets (3:34)
S4.04 Melee enemy blueprint (7:07)
S4.05 Unit Component for unit health (8:30)
S4.06 Melee enemy animation blueprint (4:52)
S4.07 Enemy AI controller (3:38)
S4.08 Path finding inside Unreal (8:03)
S4.09 Patrolling enemy (10:56)
S4.10 Enemy movement animations (11:28)
S4.11 Enemy States (8:03)
S4.12 Enemy following player (5:14)
S4.13 Enemy attack (8:57)
S4.14 Weapon component (6:33)
S4.15 Tracing inside the weapon component (14:21)
S4.16 Damage working inside the weapon component (8:38)
S4.17 Enemy using the weapon component (5:05)
S4.18 Enemy rotates towards the character before attacking (3:21)
S4.19 Cleaning debug drawings (4:09)
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Section 5: Adding VFX Trails and Hit Effects
Required Project Files
S5.01 Overview (7:00)
S5.02 Niagara Modules (14:17)
S5.03 Creating a Trail (5:07)
S5.04 Creating a Scratchpad (5:20)
S5.05 Creating the Trail Material Part 1 (7:13)
S5.06 Creating the Trail Material Part 2 (8:07)
S5.07 Last Touches on our Trail Material (3:23)
S5.08 Tweaking the Trail Part 1 (6:53)
S5.09 Tweaking the Trail Part 2 (15:17)
S5.10 Creating Sparks for our Trail (7:31)
S5.11 Spark Material & Behaviour (11:59)
S5.12 Creating the Enemy Trail (4:24)
S5.13 Dash VFX System (9:10)
S5.14 Refining our Dash Trail (10:59)
S5.15 Dash Particle Collision & Material (10:59)
S5.16 Adding more Details to our Dash (5:16)
S5.17 Smoke Material (7:20)
S5.18 Smoke Material Last Touches (18:19)
S5.19 Last Details for our Dash System (4:36)
S5.20 Dust Hit Material (10:52)
S5.21 Setting the Dust VFX in Blueprints (6:22)
S5.22 Big Dust Hit VFX (9:45)
S5.23 Enemy Hit Particle (7:41)
S5.24 Enemy hit VFX Last touches (15:16)
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Section 6A: Combat Realization
Required Project Files for Section 6
S6.01 Death state in the unit component (5:20)
S6.02 Update the health every time we are damaged (9:13)
S6.03 Main Character Death animation (8:23)
S6.04 Enable ragdoll when the character dies (6:52)
S6.05 Create a Physics Asset for the Main Character (10:41)
S6.06 Physics Asset Fixing the spine and head (3:20)
S6.07 Physics Asset Constraints in the head (5:50)
S6.08 Physics Asset Fixing the right arm (12:19)
S6.09 Physics Asset Fixing the left arm (9:47)
S6.10 Physics Asset Fixing the legs and finishing touches (12:06)
S6.11 Enemy death animation (8:00)
S6.12 Enemy death behavior (8:47)
S6.13 Disable collisions on enemy death (4:55)
S6.14 Health bar widget for the enemy (8:00)
S6.15 Connecting the health bar with the health of the enemy (8:03)
S6.16 Creating a health bar component for scalability reasons (8:14)
S6.17 Health bar fade in animation (9:04)
S6.18 Connecting the health bar animations to gameplay (8:39)
S6.19 Changing the playback speed of the animations (4:22)
S6.20 Creating our HUD class (5:51)
S6.21 Showing our HUD widget (6:17)
S6.22 Update the Player health bar in the HUD (7:53)
S6.23 Adding text to the player health bar (11:05)
S6.24 Show the health value only for the player (5:54)
S6.25 Formating the correct health values (10:21)
S6.26 Damage indicator widget and animation (6:48)
S6.27 Spawn numbers in widget (7:47)
S6.28 Making the damage indicator work (14:13)
S6.29 Fixing pixelation in the damage indicator (1:27)
S6.30 Damage indicator Component in the main character (11:32)
S6.31 Dashing gives the player invulnerability (5:56)
S6.32 Removing friendly fire between the enemies (9:48)
S6.33 Remove enemy collisions (3:24)
S6.34 Adding variance to the cooldown of the enemies (2:51)
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Section 6B: Audio Implementation
S6.35 Adding sounds to our gameplay (3:23)
S6.36 Overview of the metasounds editor (6:54)
S6.37 Playing a sound through the wave player (6:05)
S6.38 Pitch shifting the attack effort (7:09)
S6.39 Playing random effort sound from array (4:46)
S6.40 Audio component in the character (1:47)
S6.41 Add the free human vocalizations marketplace asset (3:07)
S6.42 Working with Metasounds presets (9:31)
S6.43 Pitch controls for the attack effort preset (4:15)
S6.44 Attenuation controls for the attack effort preset (10:14)
S6.45 Recording your own sfx with Audacity (8:18)
S6.46 Recording footsteps sounds (7:17)
S6.47 Editing and importing footsteps sounds (8:30)
S6.48 Layering Snow footsteps in metasound asset (9:02)
S6.49 Add the footsteps sound to the main character (8:38)
S6.50 Add footsteps to the enemy (6:49)
S6.51 Set Audio Listener to the Main Character location (8:55)
S6.52 Create the Hit Metasound source sfx (18:07)
S6.53 Create the presets for the hits (3:33)
S6.54 Implementing the hit sound in our characters (7:10)
S6.55 Stop playing the hit sound when hitting the ground (4:07)
S6.56 Return the ability of the player to hit breakable objects. (3:30)
S6.57 Changing the play rate of our montage to suit gameplay needs (4:39)
S6.58 Enableing only the desired enemy weapon (14:28)
S6.59 Mixing our Audio in Unreal Engine 5 (13:34)
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Section 7: First pass on the Level Art
S7.01 Creating Our First Kit Of Rocks (13:07)
S7.02 Creating Material Layers (14:13)
S7.03 Creating Material Layer Blends (10:25)
S7.04 Adding Snow on top of the rocks (8:02)
S7.05 Adding collision to the rocks (1:44)
S7.06 Optimizing Disk Space (4:26)
S7.07 Importing the Wood Planks (8:00)
S7.08 Creating The First Wood Planks Kit (14:32)
S7.09 Creating The Second Wood Planks Kit (12:10)
S7.10 Creating The Wodden Wood Kits (16:37)
S7.11 Creating A Tower - Part 1 (14:40)
S7.12 Creating A Tower - Part 2 (13:03)
S7.13 World Aligned Textures theory (3:47)
S7.14 Slope with World texture (9:03)
S7.15 Adding Snow on our Props (6:07)
S7.16 Adding more behavior to our slope material (10:17)
S7.17 Material Parameter Collections (10:59)
S7.18 Adding Grass Material to the Landscape (10:40)
S7.19 Adding Procedural grass (9:19)
S7.20 Improving the look of the grass (5:01)
S7.21 Organizing our rock assets (5:57)
S7.22 Creating Our Medium Sized Rock Kits (21:55)
S7.23 Fixing the Rock Material (4:44)
S7.24 Creating Our Large Sized Rock Kits (15:35)
S7.25 Testing Our Kits In Other Areas Of The Level (9:31)
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Section 8: Continuous Build Generation
S8.01 Building executable files for our game (6:24)
S8.02 Building the game continuosly (5:22)
S8.03 Packaging in UE5 (7:35)
S8.04 Packaging results (7:42)
S8.05 Build phases: Build/Compile (13:07)
S8.06 Build phases: Cook (17:01)
S8.07 Build phases: Package (12:23)
S8.08 Overview of the Project Launcher Custom profiles (6:12)
S8.09 Building the game without opening the editor through batch files (20:51)
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Section 9: Combat Skill System
S9.01 Creating the ability component (3:37)
S9.02 Grant a unit ability (6:50)
S9.03 Activate a granted ability (9:18)
S9.04 Create a custom ability (5:48)
S9.05 Play animation montage when the ability is used (5:48)
S9.06 Ability states (13:05)
S9.07 Adding damage to the ability (20:54)
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Section 10: AOE VFX
Required Project Files
S10.01 Creating the Flare Material (11:26)
S10.02 Mesh Effects for Flare Material (6:16)
S10.03 Growing Flare Emitter (10:22)
S10.04 Wrapping up the Flare Emitter (5:55)
S10.05 Background Flare Material & Emitter (8:11)
S10.06 Distortion Material (10:14)
S10.07 Chromatic Aberration - Part 1 (16:34)
S10.08 Chromatic Aberration - Part 2 (8:49)
S10.09 Chromatic Aberration Emitter (13:30)
S10.10 Bottom Flare Material & Emitter (15:18)
S10.11 Modifying Ground Flares (8:21)
S10.12 Adding Ground Sparks (21:18)
S10.13 Sparks last touches (14:32)
S10.14 Making a Sample Texture Effect (8:09)
S10.15 Texture Sample - last touches (16:06)
S10.16 Color correcting, timings, and optimization - part 1 (18:06)
S10.17 Color correcting, timings, and optimization - part 2 (23:05)
Section 11: 1st Polish Pass
S11.01 Upgrade to Version 5.1 (5:32)
S11.02 Replacing Legacy Inputs: Enhanced Inputs - Input Actions (8:56)
S11.03 Replacing Legacy Inputs: Enhanced Inputs - Input Mapping Context (10:21)
S11.04 Replacing Legacy Inputs: Enhanced Inputs - Triggers and Modifiers (15:43)
S11.05 Polishing the character movement: Logic (7:52)
S11.06 Polishing the character movement: Implementation (22:12)
S11.07 Bug Fix: Character death is delayed until the attack animation finishes (11:41)
S11.08 Bug Fix: The breakable objects can be hit after breaking (19:41)
S11.09 Polishing the enemy behaviour (26:43)
S11.10 Upgrade to Version 5.2 (2:06)
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Section 12: Main Menu
Section 12 Project files
S12.01 Common UI initial setup (11:23)
S12.02 Creating the Main Menu (9:46)
S12.03 Creating Common Buttons (8:47)
S12.04 Creating Modular Widgets (5:36)
S12.05 How to Focus on Buttons (6:17)
S12.06 Using Photoshop to create buttons (9:53)
S12.07 Creating the Main Button Material (9:21)
S12.08 Changing the button size (2:32)
S12.09 Creating the Main Menu Widget Stack (6:24)
S12.10 Press Any Key to Continue WIdget (6:43)
S12.11 Press Any Key to Continue WIdget Animation (3:06)
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Section 13: Creating the HUD
S13.01 Importing the textures (3:55)
S13.02 Creating the HUD Widget Classes (5:19)
S13.03 Adding the HealthBar to the Canvas (5:01)
S13.04 Adding the ManaBar to the Canvas (2:01)
S13.05 Creating the Material for the SKill Slots (8:47)
S13.06 Creating the Skill Slot Widget (4:50)
S13.07 Creating the Skill Slot Organizer (4:33)
S13.08 Adding a Border Image (4:03)
S13.09 Replacing the old HUD canvas the new one (2:59)
S13.10 Updating our new Health Bar (5:48)
S13.11 Add the connection between the abilities and the HUD (35:00)
S13.12 Adding Cooldown visuals to the Material (6:22)
S13.13 Cooldown UMG animation (13:34)
S13.14 Adding the cooldown logic to the unit abilities (10:58)
S13.15 Connecting the cooldown ability value to the UMG animation (12:24)
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Section 14: Updating Gameplay Elements Visuals
S14. 01 Creating the Gate Composition (6:56)
S14. 02 Updating the Gate Blueprint with a new mesh (12:44)
S14. 03 Set Dressing to support our Gameplay Mesh (5:44)
S14. 04 Updating the Platform Visuals (12:45)
S14. 05 Increasing Gameplay Elements contrast (6:07)
S14.06 Creating our Jump Trigger Effect (11:58)
S14.07 Adjusting timings and bindings (18:59)
S14.08 Event Handlers (7:10)
S14.09 Creating our response VFX (8:50)
S14.10 Adding our Niagara System to our Blueprint (3:36)
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Section 15: Boss enemy
S15.00 Upgrade to 5.3 version of the Engine (0:43)
S15.01 Introduction to the section (0:33)
S15.02 How to select a character to use as a boss (2:44)
S15.03 Create the boss blueprints (16:40)
S15.04 Create the behavior tree and blackboard assets for the boss (9:17)
S15.05 Boss Attack behavior (14:45)
S15.06 Differences between selectors, sequences and simple parallels (6:01)
S15.07 Check attack range before the boss attacks (14:33)
S15.08 Get and set information from a blackboard (10:09)
S15.09 Boss Movement (12:44)
S15.10 Boss teleport location based on the direction of the player (15:16)
S15.11 Tweak and polish boss teleporting movement (30:45)
S15.12 Enable the hitbox of the Boss attack through a BT task (27:12)
S15.13 Use a multi sphere trace to ensure that hits are correctly detected (8:48)
S15.14 Plan Boss phases (13:22)
S15.15 Boss AOE Attack Material indicator (7:34)
S15.16 Finishing the Boss AOE Attack Material indicator (10:12)
S15.17 Boss phase 2 attack animation montage (14:12)
S15.18 Extend the Play animation task to take in consideration the boss special attacks (25:55)
S15.19 Create the blueprint for the Area of Effect attack (15:00)
S15.20 Change the area of efect decal size in the construction script (15:13)
S15.21 Do damage with the new boss attack (25:29)
S15.22 Spawn the new attack with the animation and control its values (19:33)
S15.23 Create and use a dynamic material to change values inside the decal material (10:43)
S15.24 Update the progress of the indicator based on the activation time of the attack (23:48)
S15.25 Make the boss change to phase 2 using decorators (12:27)
S15.26 Change the boss movement range depending on the phase (9:58)
S15.27 Use a service to define the boss phase and finish the boss mechanics (24:03)
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Section 16: In-depth Camera Shake System
S16.01 Weapon component dispatchers for camera shakes (16:13)
S16.02 Implement a camera shake system in a component (9:57)
S16.03 Use an enum to define camera shake categories (12:35)
S16.04 Stop camera shakes with lower priority (10:46)
S16.05 Add camera shakes for hits attacks and deaths (9:02)
S16.06 Create a collection for the camera shakes in our game (4:10)
S16.07 Create a test map to test the camera shake (14:54)
S16.08 Tweak boss behavior to work in the test map (13:34)
S16.09 Add a camera shake when the player does its ability (4:35)
S16.10 Tweaking the Camera Shake (2:44)
S16.11 Camera zoom system (13:16)
S16.12 Zoom camera on player ability (8:41)
S16.13 Zoom in interpolation (15:31)
S16.14 Finish the zoom system and add Zoom Out interpolation- (16:24)
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Section 17: Boss Polish
S17.01 Spawn the hit VFX in the correct location (17:21)
S17.02 Remove false hits on the enemy weapons (10:39)
S17.03 Add Boss Attack anticipation SFX (6:13)
S17.04 Add Boss attack hit impact SFX (16:30)
S17.05 Add Boss Death SFX (4:58)
S17.06 Add Boss AoE attack SFXs (10:05)
S17.07 Add an animation to the Boss teleport mechanic (18:04)
S17.08 Task for the boss to land at the correct place and pace (43:17)
S17.09 Fix the landing of the boss (13:20)
S17.10 Make the boss ascend before decending (6:05)
S17.11 Create a Metasound Preset for SFXs (25:15)
S17.12 Set up attenuations settings using the Unreal Audio System (13:29)
S17.13 Add Boss Teleport SFXs (7:49)
S17.14 Add camera shake when the Boss lands (4:18)
S17.15 Fix Boss Teleport during phase 2 (9:46)
S17.16 New phase 2 mechanic where we spawn enemies (20:01)
S17.17 Balancing the new mechanic (16:11)
S17.18 Bug Fix: Breakable objects could be pushed if their mass was too light (10:57)
S17.19 Bug Fix: Abilities and movement could be done after death (16:01)
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Section 18: Boss VFX
Section 18 Resources
S18.01 Setting the Foundations for our Effect (2:59)
S18.02 Creating our Main Material (6:31)
S18.03 Finishing our Chroma modules (6:58)
S18.04 Refraction Last Touches (4:05)
S18.05 World Position Offset (4:47)
S18.06 Burst System creation (7:00)
S18.07 Adjusting the Impact (8:54)
S18.08 Adjusting the Distortion (7:30)
S18.09 Creating our Burst Sparks (5:14)
S18.10 Creatign our Burst Sparks Material (4:51)
S18.11 Creating the Floaty Spark Emitter (5:54)
S18.12 Cracks Material & System (15:20)
S18.13 Last Modifications on our Crack Material (3:41)
S18.14 Creating our Impact Burst Material (16:59)
S18.15 Adding Color Difference (8:06)
S18.16 Planning our charge effect (15:13)
S18.17 Making Refraction Sparks (6:07)
S18.18 Creating our Absorbing Sparks (11:42)
S18.19 Last touches to our Charge FX (10:37)
S18.20 Creating the Main Wave Material (15:14)
S18.21 Last Modifications on our Wave Material (7:49)
S18.22 Wave System (5:41)
S18.23 Mesh Fixes (2:59)
S18.24 Sparks, Smoke & Motion (12:23)
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Section 19: Decorating the Level
S19.01 First pass on decorating the environment (19:30)
S19.02 How to make assets blend in your environments (16:30)
S19.03 How to make long paths more interesting (13:41)
S19.04 Continue to decorate the environment (12:12)
S19.05 How To Download Assets From Fab (4:10)
S19.06 How to block big placeholder areas (13:04)
S19.07 Finishing Off The Last Area Of The Map (14:51)
S19.08 First Pass On Lightning And Post Process (14:42)
S19.09 Modeling The Blocking Meshes (13:56)
S19.10 Converting the Meshes into Invisible Walls (6:27)
S19.11 Adding Enemies to our Map (13:18)
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Section 20: Adding Cinematics using Sequencer
S20.02 Adding more Camera Cuts (9:30)
S20.01 Creating our Sequence (11:23)
S20.03 Adding Fade (7:19)
S20.04 Adding Boss animations (5:47)
S20.05 Adding Player animations (7:15)
S20.06 Playing our Sequence in our Level (2:39)
S20.07 Removing the Player Input during the Cinematic (5:25)
S20.08 Removing the HUD from the Cinematic (5:58)
S20.09 Removing Skeletal Mesh from the World (2:02)
S20.10 Bug fix HUD doesnt appear with the current values (16:32)
S20.11 Creating the Boss Sequence (5:35)
S20.12 Making sure the Player can-t attack during the new Sequence (2:14)
S20.13 Adding Actors to the Sequence (7:27)
S20.14 Making the player move towards the Enemy (3:26)
S20.15 Making the player go to the right location (6:43)
S20.16 Bug Fix Movement was stuck after cinematic finished (10:03)
S20.17 Start the boss fight after seeing the boss cutscene (10:04)
S20.18 Bug Fix Map error check regarding spatially loaded actors (11:52)
S20.19 Bug Fix The boss no longer appears in the intro sequence (4:50)
Section 21: Boss Fight UI
S21.02 Boss health bar logic (13:36)
S21.01 Boss health bar widget (13:26)
S21.03 Control the boss health bar as part of the HUD (9:36)
S21.04 Add a back bar to the health (14:57)
S21.05 Create the lose screen (9:18)
S21.06 Connect the lose screen to the game (11:56)
S21.07 Create the Win Screen (4:19)
S21.08 Connect the win screen to the game (5:48)
Section 22: Improving UI Visuals
S22.02 Changing the Boss HP Size and color (6:30)
S22.01 Importing the Boss HP texture (7:50)
S22.03 Creating a divider for the Lose screen (7:31)
S22.04 Converting our Lose Screen to an Activatable Widget (7:05)
S22.05 Fixing the input on the Activatable Widget (4:21)
S22.06 Adding a Dark Background to the Lose screen (5:25)
S22.07 Set Focus on the Button when using Controller (2:28)
S22.08 Add Title Animation (2:58)
S22.09 Add the Win Scren as Activatable Widget (4:54)
S22.10 Improving the visuals of the Win Screen (5:26)
S22.11 Improving the position of the text (2:18)
Bonus: Livestreams
01. Production Cycle (44:45)
02. Feedback Session 01 - Part 1 (60:00)
02. Feedback Session 01 - Part 2 (61:54)
03. Art fundamentals - Part 1 (60:00)
03. Art Fundamentals - Part 2 (60:04)
04. Source Control (138:02)
05. Open Worlds Workflows - Part 1 (60:00)
05. Open Worlds Workflows - Part 2 (65:25)
06. Feedback Session 02 - Part 1 (48:32)
06. Feedback Session 02 - Part 2 (47:43)
07. Advanced Texturing techniques - Part 1 (60:00)
07. Advanced Texturing techniques - Part 2 (33:26)
08. Feedback Session 03 (47:29)
09. Common UI - Part 1 (55:00)
09. Common UI - Part 2 (54:26)
10. Enhanced Input (93:55)
11. VFX Tips and Tricks (120:44)
12. VFX Optimization (68:40)
Bonus: Unreal Marketplace Assets
Chinese Dragon Statues
Ready Platforms
Hoverboard System
Iconic Pickup items
Fantasy Wings
Modular Fantasy knights
Sovereign Wings
Anime Girl Avatar
Deadly Traps
RPG Fantasy Knight
VFX Attack Trails
Anime Girl Cleric
Cute Girl
S5.16 Adding more Details to our Dash
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